
In "For the Swarm" you play as a all consuming wormhole in charge of Swarms of Drones. To win, gather matter by destroying Asteroids and dangerous obstacles, Purchase and Upgrade Drones, and grow in Scale until you consume the whole galaxy!

For the Swarm game was originally a submission for GameOff 2023, a 30-day Game Jam Hosted by GitHub. This version of the game has been redesigned based on judges feedback. Thank you to everyone who rated and left feedback on the submission!

For more information, please see the Game Off 2023 Jam Page.


[WASD] - Move

[LMB] - Select/Deselect Drone Swarm

[RMB] - Direct Swarm to Move to Location or Attack Obstacle

[SCROLL] - Zoom In/Out

[TAB] - Open Upgrade Window

[P] Pause/Unpause

Feedback and constructive criticism are welcome and encouraged.

For full game Credits, see the Credits page in-game.


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This is honestly a really fun game, I had lots of fun playing it. There are a couple of things you should fix, however. One of the most game-breaking things was that if you got to stage four and your swarm all died and you had no more matter, your matter would become negative. At 10 minutes, everything died, and eventually, I got down to -30,000,000 matter. I never really died. Additionally because of all of the prefabs, probably from the bullets, it got laggy in later stages. However, it is a really fun, fast-paced game, and I did really like the artwork, and just the overall gameplay.

Hey, happy to hear you enjoyed my game! Probably the most complicated game I have made.

Thank you for letting me know about the death bug too. I think I've found the cause of the bug, and will be releasing a game patch shortly.

About the lag, I unfortunately can not do much more to reduce it without completely re-designing the game from the ground up. 

Still, I like to think the lag adds to the sense of chaos ;)

Fun game! Kinda like spore cell stage.