Speed Trap - Post Jam Launch

Major Changes

  • Added 4 New Levels
  • Reworked how Speed Traps function
    • Old Function: Ball could always pass through,  player was only required to pass through all speed traps in a level to progress.
    • New Function: Ball can only pass through provided the ball is moving faster/slower than the threshold speed specified by the Speed Trap. Still required to pass through all Traps to progress
  • Added New Obstacles/Level Features
    • Maximum Speed Trap - Does not allow the player to pass unless
    • Speed Boost - Applies constant force to ball in the direction specified
    • Square Bounce Pad - Increased the speed of the ball when it comes into contact with the Bounce Pad
  • Reworked Putting Physics
    • Reduced Physics Frame interval from 20ms to 10ms
    • Capped Ball Speed at 120m/s
      • Fixes bug where player could sometimes gain infinite speed from Bounce Pads and clip through walls
    • Increased Maximum Putting strength by 20%
  • Complete redesign of UI
    • Retextured Main Game Buttons
    • Added Text Darkening effect when clouds move behind text
    • Upscaled resolution of Speed Trap Minimum/Maximum Speed Display
    • Added Blur effect to background of Scorecard, Game Over, and Title Screen Menus
    • Adding Speed Sign dimming for when the Ball is stationary behind it

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Added Total Par Score to Scorecard
  • Added Reset Ball Hotkey [R]
  • Recoloured Bounce and Spawn pads
  • Updated How to Play Screen
  • Reformatted Credits Screen
  • Fixed Transition between Levels not obscuring Level Unloading/Loading properly
  • Shortened level transition loading times
  • Improved Music Blending between Main Menu and First Level
  • Fixed Bug where Total Score on Scorecard would not add include current level score
  • Fixed Bug where Player could submit non-existent highscores from the main menu
  • Fixed bug where resetting the ball did not update the displayed score until the next shot was taken
  • Fixed bug where Long Player Names could overflow on the Leaderboard
  • Tweaked Level 3 to be more predictable (could bounce of Speed Traps sometimes when taking optimal route)
  • Lowered Level 4 Par Score
  • Removed one of the main game music tracks


Game.zip Play in browser
Jun 15, 2024

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